5 Ways a Prenatal Yoga Class can support Your Pregnancy
Pregnancy yoga classes offer women so much more than just movement! Here we walk through just 5 ways prenatal yoga classes can support your pregnancy and why you should find a suitably qualified prenatal yoga teacher sooner rather than later!

The Power of a Birth Plan
It’s YOUR birth, so rather than just hoping for the best or ‘trusting’ your care provider, take the bull by the horns and do your own research. What you discover might totally surprise you!
This is the power a birth plan gives us.
When what we planned for doesn't come to pass, then we have the know-how and the tools to explore other options or Plan B, Plan C or Plan D that will still give us the positive outcome we are planning for!

Pregnant in Perth? Here’s why you need a Pregnancy Yoga Class!
Attending specially designed prenatal yoga classes is not just about accommodating your growing belly, it’s also about expanding your mind, exploring your options for birth and joining together as a collective community as you begin your journey into motherhood. Pregnancy yoga offers a depth and a warmth beyond the yoga postures themselves, and like everything in life, some teachers will resonate more than others, so seek out a class (and a suitably trained teacher) that suits – you’ll know your community when you find it!

5 Yoga Poses to Ease Back Pain during Pregnancy
Here are 5 yoga poses to help you stretch to alleviate piriformis / sciatic pain during pregnancy - please note that some of these yoga postures will need to be modified or are not suitable if you have pelvic girdle pain, low lying placenta or a breech baby - if you're unsure please seek the advice of a specially trained Prenatal Yoga Teacher who can provide safe alternatives using props in a Pregnancy specific yoga class.